Safe Shower

Our patented shower head significantly reduces the risk of Legionnaires' disease.

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Safe Shower

The problem we're solving:
Institutions are obliged to keep very hot water in the water pipes due to the Legionella problem and flush water to prevent bacteria build-up in shower heads frequently, minimizing the risk significantly at the end points can save flushing and water heating costs. Legionella is a parasite bacterium , disinfecting the water system does not prevent the growth of legionella in the shower head. In order to prevent the development of the Legionella bacteria we must continue to disinfect the shower head when water flow stops. Hospitals and Hotels are required to perform an examination to detect Legionella in the bathing water, If the bacteria is detected at a concentration higher than the permissible the institution is committed to perform an expensive process, which can lead to a loss of time for maintenance personnel, lawsuits, Temporary closure of hospitalized evacuation or evacuation of hotel guests. Low levels of chlorine, accumulation of scale and organic material in the shower head create an ideal environment for Legionella. Legionnaires' disease is a hospital acquired disease!
Our solution:
Solution: A shower head with a tiny disinfection unit that is able to disinfect the stagnat water. Safe Shower patent for the solution is by sealing the endpoint for air entry by duckbill valves and then the stagnant water can be easily disinfected continuously with UVC LED unit. The invention basically allows for any disinfection unit to operate in a place where it has not been able previously. We prevent the entry of air, thus allowing disinfection units to operate continuously, simple and smart. When air is prevented from entering the to the shower head when the water stops by the use of Mini silicon valves, we minimize exposure to aerosols that transmit the Legionella, minimize chlorine oxidization, and minimize formation of scale and organic sediments.